Monday, September 29, 2008

Song No. 7 - The Demon

Songwriting is a process of communicating an idea. And that idea. during the process of trying to communicate can sometimes get very lost. I think that's what happened to this week's song. Somewhere from my brain to the chords, lyrics and melody it got very lost. I might have been overthinking the idea - I feel like the best song so far has been Two Weeks and I want to write another one that good or better. SO I over analyze how to play the chords, try to follow a similar structure but try to take the idea further and just confuse one idea with an old one.

Before I added the lyrics I was sure it would be a master piece. But as I really started to hammer out the lead melody and lyrics I began to get more and more bogged down by the just wasn't working. I spent hours just sitting with my guitar in my lap, notebook on the desk and pen in hand staring at mostly blank paper. Flipping through old journals for inspiration. It got the process started and planted the idea....but I just couldn't find the right words to carry it through.

Then I got hung up on song structure.....but I won't get into that because I think the point is clear.

Even though I've had discussion with friends about "at the end of this year I'll probably have 10...maybe 12 good songs"...each week I want the new song to be the best. But it won't always be. So in all fairness to anyone interested, its not the best yet. Its not a terrible song...just a confused one.

This weeks song is:
The Demon

On another note the 52 Song Marathon is the feature site at Alcatraz Red. Check it out. A cool directory for indie rock websites and the like.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really cool idea.
I just found you from Alcatraz Red, and I'll have to check out your songs.