Monday, September 29, 2008

Song No. 7 - The Demon

Songwriting is a process of communicating an idea. And that idea. during the process of trying to communicate can sometimes get very lost. I think that's what happened to this week's song. Somewhere from my brain to the chords, lyrics and melody it got very lost. I might have been overthinking the idea - I feel like the best song so far has been Two Weeks and I want to write another one that good or better. SO I over analyze how to play the chords, try to follow a similar structure but try to take the idea further and just confuse one idea with an old one.

Before I added the lyrics I was sure it would be a master piece. But as I really started to hammer out the lead melody and lyrics I began to get more and more bogged down by the just wasn't working. I spent hours just sitting with my guitar in my lap, notebook on the desk and pen in hand staring at mostly blank paper. Flipping through old journals for inspiration. It got the process started and planted the idea....but I just couldn't find the right words to carry it through.

Then I got hung up on song structure.....but I won't get into that because I think the point is clear.

Even though I've had discussion with friends about "at the end of this year I'll probably have 10...maybe 12 good songs"...each week I want the new song to be the best. But it won't always be. So in all fairness to anyone interested, its not the best yet. Its not a terrible song...just a confused one.

This weeks song is:
The Demon

On another note the 52 Song Marathon is the feature site at Alcatraz Red. Check it out. A cool directory for indie rock websites and the like.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Song No. 6 - Man Down

The lateness of this song is very fitting actually.

This song is about partying to much last summer in Peterborough. And of course inevitably after parting too much on a work night you wake up late for work. There's a whole frantic panic, put my socks on backwards, good thing I slept in my jeans cause I got no time to change run down the street with coffee in hand aftermath. Musically it comes through in the song.

Inspired by The Old Crow Medicine Show and M.I.A.. I don't think anyone but myself can hear MIA's influence on the music and it can't be explained in a linear way. But she helped ignite the spark.

This week's song is called Man Down

Joe. Isaac. Markus. Scott. You know what I'm talking about...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Song Post-poned till Monday Night

Yes its true.
I know. I know. One song a week blah blah blah.
Its done - written, rehearsed...its pretty good even.

Due to some important events today that I had not previously forseen, there was no time to record this weeks song today.

So...wait..with bated breath...this weeks song is what you've all been pining for...

oh yes.

the party song.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Song No. 5 - Two Weeks

I love how this song has turned out.

It surprised me.

I wanted to write a love song this week. On my drive to work I've been listening to the latest Hawksely Workman record and its been stirring up the hopeless romantic in my soul. Crafting the beginnings of the song in my head, focusing on the lyrics first, I was on track until Friday night. Friday I played around with some melancholy chords, and tried singing some of these words over top of them. That was it. In that instant the whole concept of the song had completely changed direction. Rather than being slightly meandering, and generalizing about love I knew exactly what to say and where to go. Honest words and a true story.

After finishing documenting what I thought was a completed song I played it for my love and partner Cole. She's also one of my toughest critics. Sometimes I get my back up about it. But 9 times out of 10 she tends to be right. Damn it. Tonight after playing her my latest song she asked if she could sing harmonies on it.

It has a life of its own now. The song lives and breathes and when I listened back to the words and melody after Cole had lent her voice to didn't even sound like my song anymore. The story was complete.

The song is called:

Two Weeks

It is my favourite.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Song No. 4 - Don't Believe

This week I had really intended to spend a significant amount of time writing lyrics. Maybe coming up with a concept and preliminary lyrics early on in the week and fleshing out the full idea before the weekend. Then spending the weekend working on the music to support the lyrics. This didn't happen however. This song happened in a day. I came up with the concept on Thursday and then did all of the work ealier on this afternoon. I don't think it is lyrically as strong as it could be, but musically it didn't turn out so bad. I think it could be fleshed out with a full band, and turn into a pretty good song.

In this busy world, I have to make time throughout the week to write these songs, or else I don't think they will advance to the level I want them to. Just writing a song every week is definatly advancing my skills as a song writer and musician, but there's a part of me that wants each of these songs to be perfect. Maybe that's not possible. But I can't find out unless I dedicate more time throughout the week to exploring each idea.

Anyways its late. I have to work tomorrow.
Let me know what you think.

Don't Believe


On a food related note again - Cole made me a delicious Strawberry scone cake, with cream icing. Talk about inspiration!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Song No. 3 - Its Breaking Over

Lyrics. Lyrics. Lyrics...that is mostly why I'm doing this every week. To write lyrics. I don't think writing chord changes and melodies has ever really been an issue for me. But without words to glue the pieces of a song together, it disappears. Mostly inspired by an arrangement idea, some interesting musical ideas came together in a way - I'm fairy happy with on this song. Usually when I have an idea inspired by a specific sound I want to use or an idea (I want to use a synthesizer in the chorus and to create a "spacey" effect...ooOooOh) I try the idea by writing a 30 second song. I write mediocre chord changes, laughable lyrics and try out "the sound". My song dies and the idea usually gets applied to an artist I'm producing...who has a well fleshed out song that needs some interesting arrangements!

As I started working on this one and trying out my idea in 30 second song form...boy did I add far too many sounds and effects to it. Strings in the chorus, spacey synth in the verse, distorted guitar overdubs, drum machine, a choir of overdubbed vocals belting the words out at the top of my lungs. was crap.

Then I had a discussion at a loud rock show with a musician and another producer on Thursday night. In talking about working with musicians and making records I said something along the lines of "people forget that cooking is like food...too many spices and flavors confuse the taste buds, and then you confuse the senses, you don't know what taste to focus on". It was a great point. I felt pretty smart. Then I thought back to the song I was working on and felt pretty dumb.

So I stripped it down...and worked on the core of the song. Less crap, better chord changes, and a better melody to carry the chorus...rather than all the strings and harmony vocals and blah blah blah that I was trying to do before....and lyrics. But they still escape me. They don't seem entirely right yet. The chorus is exactly what I want to say. The rest of the song could use...well...different words. More time spent on telling the story. Less rushing.

This coming week, I'm not going to be spending most of my time working on the music, and then writing the lyrics the day the song needs to be done. This week lyrics will come first.

You can hold me to that.

Here's the song.

Music Breaking

Dig it.

Also...on another food realted note...I has an amazing salmon shepard's pie for dinner, with a tasty cake for dessert. Mmmmmmmm.