Monday, August 11, 2008

Can't Wait Any Longer

I'm going to write 52 songs this year. I've written songs in the past. Some of them were even pretty good. Most of them however went unfinished. Uninspired, unmotivated...lazy...and afraid, ideas were lost. In order be true to those ideas, those first moments of pure bliss, excitement and passion...I have to start finshing my songs! A musican a an open mic said that he once wrote a song a week for an entire year. He was an amazing musican. Played the piano so fast his hands were invsible. That all got me pretty excited....and I wanted to start the next day...but didn't. As weeks passed it became aparent that I would need something or someone to hold me accountable to completing a song every week.

So here are the Rules I've set for myself.

1. One new song in a weeks time.
2. That song must be completed and uploaded to this blog by Sunday @ 12am
3. mp3s are fine, and sound quality is not a factor (as long as the chords, melody and words - if there are any - can be heard)
4. The song does not have any min time requirements, so long as it is a finished idea
5. The song does not need words, BUT must be intended as an instrumental and must have a lead melody line
6. The song does not have to come from scratch (could be some chords you've had for a while) but can't be a song that has been previously finished.
7. The song does not have any arrangement or instrument requirements (I imagine most will be acoustic guitar, and vocals though)
8. The song can have a co-writer(s) - but it can't be someone else's song

....and this is the begining of the 52 Song Marathon.

See you all on Sunday night.

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